dinner parties, birthday celebrations and weddings. While it is great to spend time with friends and families again and getting together is a joyous occasion, buying wedding gifts can add up. If you are saving money for your own wedding, it can be stressful when the gift buying is cutting into your own wedding budget.
Gifts are important tokens of love to the people that you care about. Fortunately, if you look for thoughtful gifts, you do not necessarily need to spend a fortune. If you need a little extra inspiration, here is a list of wedding gifts that are affordable, meaningful and will help celebrate this new journey they have embarked on.
Embroidered Linens
You can buy pillowcases, towels or bedsheets that are cheap and then send them for embroidering service as this is a memorable way to elevate an ordinary gift. Linens are a wonderful gift that you know the bride and groom will use every day. They are a practical necessity for any home. Stick to neutral colors.
Anniversary Bubbly
Buy the newlyweds a bottle of champagne to drink on their first anniversary or a bottle of wine that will be at its best by the 5th or 10th anniversary. This is an inexpensive and impressive gift. Wrap the bubbly with a note to tell the couple to drink up and toast their love.

Personalized Photo Frame
You cannot go wrong with a sterling silver photo frame. It can be personalized with the date of their wedding and the newlyweds can fill it with their favorite photo from their big day.
Coffee Machine
You do not have to choose a fancy espresso machine when a 12-cup coffee maker will do just the trick. A household appliance is always needed and appreciated by newlyweds who are just setting up a home.
Crowdfunded Gifts
If you want to pack a big gift-giving way but are short on cash, a good idea is to start a crowdfunding effort. The newlywed can use the money to help pay for their honeymoon or work towards a down payment for a new home or perhaps jump-starting the nest egg. Crowdfunding gifts are especially appropriate for couples who plan to move. It may be viewed as poor etiquette for the bride and groom to begin their own crowdfunding effort so your gift can be a thoughtful one for them.